Texas Funnyboy Productions
Michael Stansbury
Laughing Our Way to a Better World!

Mission Statement
We endeavor to entertain people by producing quality comedy projects, with a focus on social awareness. Hopefully inspiring people to actively live in this society and make it just for all. We can laugh our way to a better future.
Vision Statement
As a company, being financially sound is paramount, which we believe we can attain by respectfully and considerately treating all people involved or affected. To this end, we will give employees the freedom they need to have a satisfied, and happy home life, making them more productive employees.
We will serve our community by donating money, time and services to non-profits.
We are the stewards of our Earth, which requires us to dispose of our refuse properly, use water resources and fossil fuels in a conservative manner. We currently use hybrid vehicles and we will convert to electric vehicles, when financially feasible.